About NitaEats


其實常常吃東西前都有幫食物拍照,也會做些紀錄什麼的,無論是吃過還是想嘗試的,但因為懶惰,就讓這些資料們散落在各地好幾年了。2016年到紐約念碩士的時候為了那些被我吃下肚的食物們開了一個Instagram專屬帳號 @NitaEats因為懶,更新的很不定期,但卻也因此發現到更多美食,希望也有幫助別人發現美食啦!在Instagram上,顏值決定一切,我也曾經為了拍出漂亮的照片踩了不少雷。想到那些雷就生氣,詳情讓我之後再告訴你。常常到了餐廳想要看看什麼好吃,打開Instagram發現很多網帥網美室內裝潢跟漂亮食物的照片,但都不能回答我要點什麼好的問題。呃…把食物吃下肚的是我,不是我的相機,好不好吃是最重要的事!所以就讓我來告訴你吧!

真實的照片!iPhone 8就是我的相機,上桌馬上拍馬上吃,不會喬位子喬角度喬到食物都涼了。我的宗旨:只能人等食物,不能食物等人。所以有時候可能會忘記拍照,哈哈哈


Hi! My name is Nita, and I am a foodaholic.

Why I started NitaEats?
It’s my new year resolution! I took lots of photos of my food, complain or compliment about food. But all my reviews/captions are all over the places. I did sort of start to organize them by starting @NitaEats Well you know, Instagram is all about pretty pictures. People take photos of unicorn colored soft-serve (which taste like unicorn poo btw), astonish interior, even #ootd but rarely talk about the taste which is all I care! So here I am, sharing my food experiences with you at NitaEats.

How can NitaEats help you?
Brutally honest reviews, base on the taste. Sometimes I talked about the ambiance, service and something random, too.
Real, unstaged photo with a minimal filter. My iPhone 8 is my camera. When the food is served, I just snap a few images, then dig in asap.

It is a sin to let food wait for you.

If you have any questions, comments, collaboration opportunities, or simply need food recommendation, email me! nitaeats@gmail.com

Alright, let’s dig in!